Hey friends! Today we're going to learn how to protect your online store from scams. We'll set up fraud alerts for your WooCommerce orders using Make.com. The cool part? We'll send these alerts to a Slack channel. This way, your team can jump in and take action, even if they don't usually get payment emails.

Why Is This Important? Beware of Dark Web Scams!

You might be wondering, "Why do I need to set up fraud alerts?" Well, here's something you should know. Some people buy stolen credit cards from the dark web. Yikes, right?

These folks will then look for random online stores to test if these cards work. They often use random IP addresses, most often from a different country, to do these tests. If they can make a purchase, they know the card works, and that's bad news for everyone.

Setting up fraud alerts helps you catch these tests early. When the IP address country and the billing country don't match, you get an alert in your preferred platform. This way, you can stop these bad actors from using your store for their fraud.

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Step 1: Log in to Make.com

Selecting the Watch Orders trigger in Make.com so that all WooCommerce orders send data for every order to Make.com
Make.com: Selecting WooCommerce Watch Orders Trigger
  1. Open Make.com and make sure you're logged in.
  2. Click on Create a Scenario.
  3. Go to Favorites and search for WooCommerce.
  4. Click on Watch Orders.

This tells WooCommerce to send over all the information for every order as they are placed.

Step 2: Set Order Status

Screenshot showing WooCommerce Watched Orders statuses in Make.com
Make.com: Choosing which WooCommerce orders to watch
  1. Click Processing.
  2. If your default order status is different, pick the right one.
  3. Click OK.

Step 3: Add OpenAI Node

Screenshot showing adding the OpenAI node in Make.com
Make.com: Adding OpenAI Node
  1. Add another node and choose OpenAI.
  2. Click Create a completion.
  3. Choose the model GPT 3.5 Turbo to save costs.
Showing the general settings for Make.com, choosing Create a Chat Completion & using the gpt-3.5-turbo model to save money.
Make.Com: General settings for the OpenAI node

Now, Make.com will check if the IP address country matches the billing country.

Want to prevent people from checking out altogether, skipping the need for this workflow? Check out the Wordpress plug-in, GeoGuard Checkout for WooCommerce!

Step 4: Set Up Messages

Screenshot showing the OpenAI node settings.
Make.com: Setting up the OpenAI node
  1. Under Messages, click Add Item.
  2. Choose Role, then User, and select Message Content.
  3. Type in this to have OpenAI check lookup the IP address origin country and see if it matches the billing country.
    Is this IP address ({{1.customerIpAddress}}) origin country the same as {{1.billing.country}}? Your response should look like this: "yes" or "no" with no other text.

Step 5: Add Slack Node

Screenshot showing Slack node settings for sending an alert to a public channel.
Make.com: Slack node settings for sending an alert to a public channel.
  1. Add a Slack node.
  2. Click Create a Message.
  3. Choose your Slack channel.
  4. Write your alert message.
    Order #{{1.id}} has an origin IP address ( that is different from the billing country. View the order: https://your-awesome-website.com/wp-admin/post.php?post={{1.id}}&action=edit & View the IP info: https://ipinfo.io/{{1.customerIpAddress}}

Step 6: Create a Filter

Setting up a filter to look at the OpenAI node response and if the response is not equal to yes (case insensitive), then forward message to slack.
Make.com: Filtering bad actors based on the response of OpenAI's response
  1. Click the 🔧 wrench between OpenAI and Slack.
  2. For condition, we want the response of our OpenAI node.
  3. Select the GPT response that says Not Equal To Yes (case insensitive).

Test It Out

Give it a try to see if it works! Now, if an order's IP address country doesn't match the billing country, your team will get a Slack alert.

Other Options

Don't use Slack? You can use Gmail or even Twilio to get text alerts. The main steps are the same; you'll just send the message through a different platform by adding whatever node of the service you want and configuring it.


Logo for GeoGuard Checkout for WooCommerce - colorful illustration of a shopping cart overlaid world globe
GeoGuard Checkout for WooCommerce

Want to stop these mismatched orders altogether? We wrote a small Wordpress plug-in called GeoGuard Checkout that will prevent users from checking out when their IP address/Billing Country do not match!

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